
k8彩乐园app官网下载的数字尸体表提供 unique learning, teaching opportunities

在大多数典型的学院或大学生物实验室, 人体是通过教科书来研究的, 模塑塑料模型, 打印图表. Some, possessing the financial resources to do so, utilize real human cadavers. 在k8彩乐园app官网下载, a relatively new technology allows instructors and students access to a seemingly endless resource for studying the human anatomy.

去年10月, Alfred University’s Division of Biology and Biochemistry acquired an Anatomage digital cadaver table, bringing to the department a piece of equipment most often found in graduate level 和专业 环境. 表, 长约七英尺,宽约两英尺, 包含四具人类尸体的数字数据库, 还有超过15个,000 computerized tomography (CT) scans of human and animal bodies. 带有触摸屏表面, images of bodies can be manipulated so that specific body systems (digestive, 呼吸, 循环, i.e.), organs, and skeletal parts can be isolated and studied.

Scans of human bodies show medical conditions—such as abdominal aneurysms, 异位妊娠, 动脉硬化, and bone fractures—which can be examined in ways not possible with diagrams or models.

詹妮弗·戈登, assistant professor of anatomy and physiology at Alfred University, 是常驻数字尸体桌专家吗. She has had plenty of experience using the cadaver table throughout her teaching career. 毕业于纽约州立大学, Gordon first saw the equipment featured in her alma mater’s alumni newsletter about 10 years ago, 当这项技术是新的时候. 当时, she was teaching at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and worked with the biology department there to acquire an Anatomage digital table.

The cadaver images in the table’s database are from people who agreed to donate their bodies for use in the 国家医学图书馆的可见人体项目 在他们去世之后. 可视人类项目创建完成, 雕刻精细, three-dimensional representations of the human body by encasing the cadavers in gelatin and then cutting them in one-tenth millimeter intervals. Each cross-section was photographed, and the images were then re-established digitally. The images are included in the database of digital cadavers like the one in Alfred University’s biology lab.

Gordon said the digital cadaver is extremely beneficial from a teaching standpoint. “It makes our job as instructors exponentially better. The possibilities (for instruction) are endless,” she said. 这项技术, 从成本的角度来看是否有利, 因为使用真实尸体的实验室非常昂贵.

“The number of undergraduate programs (using the digital cadaver table) are few,戈登指出, “but the number that have actual cadaver labs are fewer.”

The digital cadaver table “gives our students access to an extensive library of medically relevant 3D scans and images of real human and animal bodies,让·卡迪纳尔说, 生物学教授兼系主任. “It is a resource that allows our students to advance their knowledge and understanding of anatomical and physiological science to a much greater degree than traditional resources.”

Gordon said she uses the equipment to teach her anatomy and physiology classes, and that it can also be used for upper-level classes like human pathophysiology, 免疫学, 毒理学, 以及动物营养. Biomaterials engineering majors can use the table to study artificial joints and prosthetics, 在一些人体CT扫描中出现的. For students pursuing any number of careers in health and science, 尸体桌是一个很有价值的学习工具.


Assistant professor of anatomy and physiology 詹妮弗·戈登 (second from right) demonstrates the biology lab’s digital cadaver table to students, 左起:伊莱亚斯·奥法尼德斯, senior biology major; Natalia Rychman, sophomore health fitness management major; Monica Lewis, senior health fitness management major; and Morgan Drohan, 生物材料工程专业大四学生.

“It hits all the medical disciplines: physical therapy, 职业治疗, 体育训练, 医师助理, 护理, 脊椎按摩疗法, 医学预科, 兽医,戈登说。.

伊莱亚斯Orfanides, 巴斯大学生物学专业的大四学生, NY, 称赞了数字尸台的好处.

“我马上就开始使用它,奥法尼德斯说, who is set to enroll in the Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine’s Physician Assistant program after graduating from Alfred in the spring. “It’s very helpful for learning about the different bones and muscles and how they are attached. It really gives you a different perspective” than one would get from a traditional model or diagram.

Orfanides said being exposed to the cadaver table has helped prepare him for graduate school. “It’s giving me an idea of what I’ll see when I go into an actual cadaver lab,” he explained. “It will allow me to better identify (parts of the human body) by structure, 而不是艺术家的渲染.”

Gordon said the table has proven to be a valuable recruiting tool.

“这是件大事,”她说. “我们把这个放在参观中(给未来的学生)。. We want to show students and parents that academically, 我们和那些规模更大的同行们走得一样远. 我们可以说,‘看看这个.’ This is what makes us better than other undergraduate biology programs.”

“对于那些想上小学校的学生来说, 你在很多地方都找不到这一点,奥法尼德斯补充道. “And here, everyone has a chance to use it, individually or in a small group setting.”

“The cadaver table is a window into the intricate functioning of our bodies, 从大体解剖到细胞水平,卡迪纳尔说. “这种探索是无与伦比的, and we are excited for the opportunities it will provide our students.”